Corruption: Sign our petition now!

Tell the elephant in our room—corruption– to go back to where it came from

There is an elephant in our room. We all know it’s there. 70% of us believe levels are high. The elephant is called CORRUPTION. SERAP’s recent survey reveals Corruption in Nigeria has NOT reduced in the police, the judiciary, education, health and power sectors in the past 5 years.

According to our survey, a bribe is paid in 54% of interactions with the police. In fact there is a 63% probability that an average Nigerian would be asked to pay a bribe each time he or she interacted with the police.  THAT’S ALMOST TWO OUT OF THREE.

And do you know who suffers the most because of this? The poor of course. Because they are unable to access these basic public services rightly due to them.

If we mobilise, our collective voice and action can make a BIG difference!

READ MORE and sign our petition to the African Union and United Nations

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