Download: “Crackdown on Dissent: Growing Attacks on Critics and Journalists in Nigeria.”

Download our latest report titled: “Crackdown on Dissent: Growing Attacks on Critics and Journalists in Nigeria” here https://bit.ly/3JfgApr

This report is based on a study conducted by SERAP on the shrinking civic space in Nigeria between 1 July to 31 December 2021.

The study also included a review of the literature on the restrictions of CSOs and outcomes of interviews with civil society actors on the restrictions experienced by themselves and their local counterparts in Nigeria.

The report notes that since the advent of the General Muhammadu Buhari administration in May 2015, there has been increasing concern that human rights activists and CSOs  experience  restrictions in their work as a result of different types of policies and actions.

The report advocates that shrinking civic space must not be seen as the new normal that Nigerians need to adapt to.

It is a significant moment in Nigeria’s March as a constitutional democracy,  where history can swing either way- the people could be worse off, or they could get to something much better in the future.

While the trend towards shrinking civic space is factual and predictable in Nigeria, it is not irreversible.

Governments at the Federal and state levels, CSOs , regional and continental institutions and international partners can help greatly in reversing this trend through harmonised action.

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